How to Download and Install iMessage for PC

There are several methods to install iMessage on your PC. Choose the best one that applies to your needs.

1 How to Download and Install iMessage for PC1.1 Install with an Emulator1.2 Install Using WeMessage1.3 Download WeMessage1.3.1 Install on Mac1.3.2 Install on Android1.3.3 Log into WeMessage on your Android Device1.3.3.1 Reminder1.4 Did You Know?1.5 Conclusion

Install with an Emulator

Install Using WeMessage

This method will need a Mac with you for this to work. And please also note that because this method is not fully supported by Apple, there is a high chance that this will only work for some period of time. Or at least just until the developer hit a wall and a dead-end. But for now, this method works with only the basic necessities from iMessage app.

Download WeMessage

Install on Mac

Install on Android

Log into WeMessage on your Android Device

Please be noted that WeMessage is just a temporary remedy for instances where you have no direct access to your iMessage. While this app is promising and good for now, knowing Apple, this method will eventually be blocked sooner or later. But you can enjoy this for now. Also, do not expect too much on the features inside the WeMessage. It is limited mostly to chat and some emojis on the side as well. You can explore the rest for yourself. But know that it does not all the features of iMessage overall.


Re The iMessage is not like your traditional email or conversational Email. And Apple’s messages app works only on Apple devices. There are differences between email and iMessage which is a simple chat format like that of android phones. Now, this will work only if you memorize all your Apple login information. And since that will be highly likely, then the method mentioned here should be easy for you. So without further ado, here is how you download and install iMessage for PC the easiest way. Some websites would even recommend you use Chrome Remote Desktop tool. But for now, you can read the article and follow the steps if you want to install it easily. Reddit users have also asked about this on Reddit but it’s complicated. Most of them giving out a couple of solutions that can be silly solutions or bad solutions. However, we have given you with information and solutions in this post that you may find useful. You might also find many silly solution but make sure you read proper articles. When you use WeMessage and WeServer with your public IP address, you run the risk of being tracked. We don’t know what codes are in WeMessage because it’s a closed source software. It has the potential to be used to hack your account. Although this is a worst-case situation, use WeMessage at your own risk. Of course, you’ll need to select the Enable remote Connection button on the Chrome Remote Desktop screen if you want to use your Windows 10 PC as a host in the future. You should also see a small box at the bottom of your Mac’s screen that says Your desktop is presently shared, as well as a Stop sharing button. You can have it right now from our website. It is simple and straightforward to download. All you have to do now is find the links from the article above and you’re ready to start. It’s for you. At least, that’s all we have to say about it. So, if you want to try iMessage on your remote desktop window, the majority of people especially android users. Even with iPhone users, the incoming text messages have you unlocking the iPhone every other second to check their personal messages and phone lifting can interrupt work, hence they want to use it on their PC. The ideal solution for this would be to download it on PC through the link above. And do share this article with your friends if they want to learn some workaround on using their iMessage on other platforms!

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